Savita Bhabhi 123 Yogasutra
Savita Bhabhi 123 Yogasutra
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Savita Bhabhi 123 Yogasutra
We’ve prepared a new episode written by Renegado for you. ?
Inspired by Savita’s fitness routine, Ashok joins her for a run in the park. Ashok gets to meet Savita’s fit admirers there. Also, helplessly watch them flirt with his naive wife! Fueled with jealousy and insecurity, Ashok surprises Savita by signing up for an expensive hot couples’ yoga session. With Ashok’s stamina put to test, Savita won’t let a dime go to waste! Will Ashok manage to handle hardcore yoga? Let’s find out in episode 123 of the Savita Bhabhi series.
Look also for a gif in between pages. ?
The next script will be by DarkMark.
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