Savita Bhabhi 93 Wearing The Horns
Savita Bhabhi 93 Wearing The Horns
Category: Indian Porn Empire
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Savita Bhabhi 93 Wearing The Horns
With the new restaurant doing better than anyone could have expected, even Ashok is forced to admit that his wife’s business is a smashing success in episode 93 of Savita Bhabhi comics. On top of that, he’s starting to think that he may have taken Savita for granted, and he’s planning a special celebration for just the two of them to start making amends. But this is no basic married-couple “date night”: Ashok springs a huge surprise on his wife, & regales her with his fantasies until Savita starts to freak out! How much does Ashok really know about Savita’s years of sexy encounters, and why is he bringing it up now??
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