Savita Bhabhi 139 The Perfect Storm
Savita Bhabhi 139 The Perfect Storm
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Savita Bhabhi 139 The Perfect Storm
Ashok agrees to bring Savita on a yacht voyage in order to impress a wealthy work client. The only problem? Ashok’s tendency to suffer incapacitating seasickness! But his fears prove prescient when a flash storm sends the boat reeling on the open sea. As the yacht gets rocked by turbulent waters, Savita and the other passengers begin to fear that this may be the end for all of them. And what does one do when faced with near-certain death: Get one last good fuck in, before it’s too late!
There will be an erotic moving image of Savita bhabhi in between the pages. Don’t forget to pause and enjoy it while scrolling through the panels.
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