Savita Bhabhi 109 Re-Igniting The Spark
Savita Bhabhi 109 Re-Igniting The Spark
Category: Indian Porn Empire
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Savita Bhabhi 109 Re-Igniting The Spark
While cleaning, Savita discovers the sketch pad that Shobha left behind after her tryst with Ashok in episode #106. The very same notebook that her younger friend uses to draw the kinky cartoons she makes on the sly with Savita’s husband’s stories. But Ashok has no artistic ability of his own! So Savita is more than a little curious about the authorship behind these graphically carnal drawings in this episode 109. Confronting him after work, Savita so completely swallows Ashok’s excuse for the sketches that it brings them closer together than ever. But will his lie survive Savita Bhabhi’s sixth sense for extra-marital sex?
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