Priya Rao – The Encounter Specialist 6.Murder at the outhouse
Priya Rao – The Encounter Specialist 6.Murder at the outhouse
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Priya Rao – The Encounter Specialist 6.Murder at the outhouse
Priya Rao, encounter specialist has infiltrated the gang to solve the murder of a wealthy businessman’s wife. The leader of the gang wants to make use of her sexy body to get her the first assignment. Priya uses her bountiful assets to make sure the client is happy and the assignment is theirs. But its an assignment for murder!
How far is Priya willing to go? And what will she do to make sure that she herself does not get sucked into the world of crime that she is trying to fight? Read the concluding series of this murder case in The Encounter Specialist Episode 6: Murder at the Outhouse!
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