Konfessions of Kammobai 2 My First Threeway
Konfessions of Kammobai 2 My First Threeway
Category: Indian Porn Empire
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Konfessions of Kammobai 2 My First Threeway
Konfessions of Kammobai is the account of a young Randi named Kamini told in her own words. Follow her sexploits as she learns the ropes in this sexy lifestyle. In the exciting second episode Kamini’s friend Lata Didi decides to invite Kamini in on her session with a customer and what follows is Kamini’s first ever three way! Also in this issue is her account of dealing with the more submissive clients as a sexy Dominatrix. Kirtu’s Konfessions of Kammobai part 2: “My First Three Way” should not be missed!
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