KIRTU FAN SERIES 5 Bribe wins all
KIRTU FAN SERIES 5 Bribe wins all
Category: Indian Porn Empire
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KIRTU FAN SERIES 5 Bribe wins all
Rajashree has it all. Looks, ambition, and healthy sex life! But the only thing that is out of her reach is becoming the president of her college student union. So when the opportunity comes up, Raj makes up her mind to do anything to make sure her dreams come true.
But first, she has to make sure that she gets her main opponent out of the race and make sure that each member of the committee supports her. How will she do that? Lesbians scenes, Group sex, and a lot more in the exciting FREE episode of Kirtu – College Election!
*Note: This is a fan-submitted artwork and not part of the regular update schedule. It will be of much lower quality than the SB series. It is just something extra for Savita Bhabhi members.
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